We focused on how to make good sentences today during language arts. The girls were introduced to the acronym CUPS to help them form and determine the characteristics of a sentence.
As a whole group, the girls made complete sentences from words that had been cut up and scattered. They had to make sure that each sentence started with a capital letter, they understood it, it had punctuation at the end, and the words were spaced evenly.
The girls then returned to their seats to sort phrases and sentences into two categories: "sentence" and "not a sentence".
For the final sentence activity, the girls were given a word bank and had to create their own sentences applying what they had learned today through our CUPS lesson.
We also had our special STAR today! The girls were so excited to see ST-elia's extraordinary box.
In math, we continue to develop our adding skills by using number lines. The girls worked around the room in centers today, engaging in different activities to reinforce this strategy.
Center 1: Dice Addition--the girls rolled dice, wrote down the addition sentence, and solved their problem using number lines.
Center 2: The girls were given addition sentences and had to show their work, as well as check their answer, by using our "frogman" lines.
Center 3: Learning Palettes--the girls really enjoy this center as they get to choose their own challenge board. The boards have many different focuses from sequencing numbers to geometry and measurement.