Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Busy in Tech
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Short a and Cooperation
We started reviewing the short vowel sounds this week and today we focused on the short a sound. We watched a short Starfall video on the short a sound and then did a class sort where the girls matched short a words with pictures.
We also added the fifth petal to our daisy people today--cooperation. The girls listened to Horsefly and Honeybee and we had a class discussion about what it looks like when a group of people cooperate.
We also added the fifth petal to our daisy people today--cooperation. The girls listened to Horsefly and Honeybee and we had a class discussion about what it looks like when a group of people cooperate.
After that, we gave the girls a cup, paperclips, a gummy worm named Sam, and a gummy lifesaver. The girls had to cooperate and "save" Sam (flip the cup over, put the lifesaver on Sam, and put him in the cup) without touching anything except the paperclips.
Check out their cooperation below!
Make sure you ask your daughter if her group "saved" Sam!
Monday, September 28, 2015
Prediction, Mystery Reader and Word Wall BINGO
On Friday, the girls became fortune tellers as they learned about prediction during our author's study. We read Shortcut by Donald Crews and discussed why predicting what happens next in a story is important to overall understanding. We stopped reading the book halfway through and gave the girls "crystal balls." The girls had to draw what they predicted would happen next in the story.
When they were done, we turned off our lights and held a flashlight to the bottom of their "crystal balls" while they shared their predictions.
The girls also had their first Mystery Reader!
We are encouraging the girls to use our Word Wall as a reading and writing aid. Today we played Word Wall Bingo (which the girls love) and it was wonderful to watch the girls as they grow more comfortable with these words.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Art: Stamps to Our Imaginary World
The girls used art materials to make oversized stamps which we will use to "travel" to their imaginary worlds in art.
Sequencing and Word Study
The girls worked in math centers today and this week we have been working on sequencing numbers. Here the girls are sequencing foam shapes with different numbers written on them.
They worked in pairs to complete a sequencing worksheet.
The girls learned a new app called Line 'Em Up, which focuses on putting numbers in order. The girls loved how the app continued to challenge them!
Today in word study, the girls completed a "no-peek" sort. Be sure to ask your daughter how it works!
They worked in pairs to complete a sequencing worksheet.
The girls learned a new app called Line 'Em Up, which focuses on putting numbers in order. The girls loved how the app continued to challenge them!
Today in word study, the girls completed a "no-peek" sort. Be sure to ask your daughter how it works!
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Labeling, ant parts, and word study
In Writer's Workshop, the girls continued to work on their personal narratives and today we taught them the importance of labeling. The girls studied a Richard Scarry book and learned that labeling meant giving an object a name. Then the girls went back to their seats to label items in their illustrations.
We also started our word study this week. Every Monday the girls will get a new group of words focusing on a certain feature. This week our feature was beginning consonants (b, r, s, m). Each day the girls will be completing a different activity with their words:
Monday--introduction to the focused feature and cut and sort words
Tuesday--sort and draw 6 of their words
Wednesday--sort and read words to a friend
Thursday--sort and write words
Friday--sort and glue words
As we continue our study of ants, the girls learned the main parts of an ant's body. We played a fun "Simon Says" game and finally, the girls had to glue an ant back together.
We also started our word study this week. Every Monday the girls will get a new group of words focusing on a certain feature. This week our feature was beginning consonants (b, r, s, m). Each day the girls will be completing a different activity with their words:
Monday--introduction to the focused feature and cut and sort words
Tuesday--sort and draw 6 of their words
Wednesday--sort and read words to a friend
Thursday--sort and write words
Friday--sort and glue words
Friday, September 18, 2015
Ten Black Dots and Swimmy
We started our "fun Friday" by reading 10 Black Dots by our author of the month, Donald Crews. He incorporates black dots in funny and creative ways throughout his book. After we read the story, the girls had to create their own picture using mini Oreos as their black dots. The girls had a great time creating their own unique pictures.
The girls added another petal to their daisy people today--resilient. We read Swimmy by Leo Lionni and had a great discussion about when they've had to be resilient in their lives. The girls then drew in crayon their favorite scene from the book where Swimmy had to show resiliency. After that, they painted over their scene in blue paint, creating a wonderful underwater picture.
The girls added another petal to their daisy people today--resilient. We read Swimmy by Leo Lionni and had a great discussion about when they've had to be resilient in their lives. The girls then drew in crayon their favorite scene from the book where Swimmy had to show resiliency. After that, they painted over their scene in blue paint, creating a wonderful underwater picture.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Writer's Workshop, Ants, and DEAR
We introduced Writer's Workshop this week and the girls' first step was learning how to illustrate a beginning, middle, and end of an event that personally happened to them.
In math, the girls have been reviewing different methods of sorting. This is both a math review lesson as well as a "secret" lesson to prepare them for their word sorts, which will start next week.
When we investigated later, the girls were delighted to see that the ants had happily set up camp in their cafe.
Make sure you ask your daughter what food the ants enjoyed the most!
Today, the girls added more detail to their original drawings. Through this process (and as they work their way up to writing stories), they are understanding that a writer is never truly finished with just one draft. We are so proud of how hard they are working on their stories!
We also had our first Author's Chair today. The girls will get a chance to share and celebrate their work with their peers after every Writer's Workshop.
In math, the girls have been reviewing different methods of sorting. This is both a math review lesson as well as a "secret" lesson to prepare them for their word sorts, which will start next week.
Today during science we discussed what an ant might eat if they were to eat out at a restaurant. The girls put on their "scientist" hats and predicted what the ants would like the most.
We prepared our Ant Cafe and waited for 2 hours.
When we investigated later, the girls were delighted to see that the ants had happily set up camp in their cafe.
Make sure you ask your daughter what food the ants enjoyed the most!
The girls are learning how to choose an appropriate book for their D.E.A.R. time. We reviewed the three different ways to read a book (ask your daughter) and which of those ways were their favorite. The girls are excited as we are slowly working towards earning our first Coffee House.
Friday, September 11, 2015
Art: Experience
All the girls started the year with a material exploration and then connected their work and their ideas while working to their grade level theme. Kindergarten's theme is EXPERIENCE. You can see the long list of connections they made and why it is such a relevant theme for this grade level! Our future units will explore a range of materials, genres, artists, and concepts related to their theme. The overarching reflection question for the year is: How does art inspire and reflect the way we see and feel?
Art: Imagination
All the girls started the year with a material exploration and then connected their work and their ideas while working to their grade level theme. Pre-First's theme is IMAGINATION. A relevant theme for this grade level! Our future units will explore a range of materials, genres, artists, and concepts related to their theme. The overarching reflection question for the year is: How can art develop and extend our ideas?
Friday, September 4, 2015
First days of school
These past few days with your daughters have been a lot of fun. We are having a blast getting to know the girls and they are doing a wonderful job learning our pre-first routines.
Practicing writing our classmates' names with sidewalk chalk.
Working with unifix cubes to make and write numbers.
Making daisy suncatchers for our big window.
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