Many thanks to Tom Prevas who was our Mystery Reader two weeks ago--he brought in some wonderful Halloween stories for the girls to enjoy.
The girls had fun last week in language arts learning the "oo" (spooky, broom) sound. We read Room on the Broom and brainstormed different words containing "oo". The girls then copied these words--or thought of more on their own-- onto spider legs. After the girls copied their words, they made "oo" spider eyes with pasta mini wheels.
In Math, we have been working with a pumpkin! The girls learned how to estimate various measurements of the pumpkin (weight, circumference, number of seeds) and had to guess if the pumpkin would sink or float.
Then the girls rolled up their sleeves and got a bit messy. It was finally time to estimate how many seeds were inside our pumpkin. Make sure you ask your daughter what was the final count!
How can you make learning about number lines fun? By adding a frog that hops along, of course! The girls worked with number lines today to help them with addition sentences and develop their number sense. We will continue to work with the number line this week.
Here's a fun way to reinforce this concept at home: grab a fun cookie cutter and cut 20 shapes out of Model Magic. Number them 1-20 and let them dry. Have your daughter put them in order and give her simple addition problems to solve. Keep your unique number line in a safe place for a snow day :-)