Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Let It Go.....

How many times have you heard this song in your house?  If it is anything like our classroom, the song is probably permanently embedded into your brain.  The girls were so excited to show off all of their hard work and even made their teachers wait as well; no peeking for us!  Many thanks to Mimi Walters for encouraging each girl to find her inner entertainer.

Here is the link to the girls' PE dance:
Frozen Dance
Password:  Frozen

Believe it or not, not all of last week was dedicated to their dance.  The girls have been working with shapes in math and on Friday they worked around the room in 3 centers.

Center 1: Tangrams

Center 2:  Pattern Blocks

Center 3: Shapes Shooter Computer Game

The parade of famous women continues in our classroom.  Many thanks to all parents who have participated--the girls have been so lucky to learn about all these fabulous females!

Billie Jean King

Juliette Gordon Low

Billie Holiday