During science we reviewed some facts about skeletons (be sure to ask your daughters how many bones a baby has and how many bones an adult has) and the girls had to match the fact with the picture.
After the matching, we read aloud Dem Bones.
Next, the girls were broken into two groups. Each group created their own skeleton out of pizza dough. The girls had to work together and make the six major bones in the body (skull, spine, arms, legs, rib cage and pelvis).
During our math time the girls learned about the word "estimation" and each made estimates on how many popcorn kernels would fit on Casper the ghost. Be sure to ask your daughter how many kernels it took!
After our skeleton bread cooled down from cooking in the oven, the girls used the app Educreations to take a picture and label the main bones of the skeleton.
Finally, we had another Mystery Reader this week. The girls LOVE this time of the day!