On Friday, the girls learned about breaking words into chunks (aka syllables). We taught them three different ways to break apart a word: clap it out, robot speak and holding their hand under their chin. Ask your daughter which way was her favorite. As we broke apart all of our names into syllables, most of the girls chose robot speak.
We finished our syllable activity by getting into partners and sorting St. Patrick's Day words by chunks.
Queen Elizabeth came to visit the girls today.
In math today, we continued studying and identifying different shapes.
Next we created a class graph of the shapes we have learned.
After that, the girls returned to their seats to create bar graphs of the various shapes' vertices and sides.
We have begun planning our next Writer's Workshop book. The girls will be writing a How-To non-fiction book using the transition words that they were introduced to today. We sorted the different transition words (first, after that, etc) according to where we would use them in a story. Then we used these words to help us arrange the steps of how the girls get ready for lunch. Next, the girls listened to Harriet Tubman and sequenced the events of her life story using transition words. Finally, the girls used the Popplet Lite app to plan out the steps of how to build a snowman.