Thursday, November 3, 2016

Short U and Number Lines

In language arts yesterday the girls reviewed the short u sound. We watched a short Starfall video, then matched up the short u words with pictures. Then as a group they  made a list of other short u words that they knew. After that, the girls returned to their seats to create suns with beams of short u words streaming out of them.

How can you make learning about number lines fun?  By adding a frog that hops along, of course!  The girls worked with number lines today to help them with addition sentences and develop their number sense. First we did a few problems using the number lines as a group, then the girls went back to their seats to work on a worksheet of addition sentences. Those who finished the first worksheet received an enrichment worksheet to try where they had to add 3 numbers together instead of two. We will continue to work with the number line throughout this math unit.