We had our second publishing party this morning with the kindergarten classes. Our girls loved reading their Make Noise books to our younger friends and had a great time celebrating this big accomplishment.
The past several days the girls have been learning place value by working with base 10 blocks. They have learned that a cube represents one and a ten cube rod represents ten. The girls have been writing and modeling numbers using these blocks. Next week we will begin working with the hundreds place!

In science we did an experiment on reasons why some animals hibernate in the winter. They were given pineapple that had been frozen in an ice cube. They had to attempt to get to the pineapple and eat it; the girls discovered that this was not an easy task. As they were gnawing their way through the ice, we talked about how difficult it was to actually get the food out and how hard it must be for animals to find food in the winter. Then the girls were given fresh pieces of pineapple and were given the green light to go ahead and eat them. We talked about how the pineapple smelled, what it tasted like, and how easy it was to bite into and eat it. The girls realized, at the end of the experiment, that one reason some animals hibernate in the winter was due to the difficulty to find and eat food; it is not easy to smell, find, or eat!
Many thanks to our mystery readers this afternoon!