Tuesday, February 21, 2017

How-To Class Book and Hibernation

Last week, the girls made melted crayon hearts and created a How-To class book using the new transition words they have learned. 

The girls worked in pairs to write about and illustrate one step in our How-To book.

As you know, we have been studying hibernation during science.  Last week, the girls conducted a science experiment on how frogs hibernate.  Be sure to ask your daughters why frogs are special hibernators.

After spending the last few art periods perfecting their animals, the girls finally started presenting their hibernation dioramas today.  We are so proud of the girls for doing an outstanding job of informing their friends about their animals.

Many thanks to our Mystery Reader!

We also had a publishing party with Ms. Stratton's fifth grade class to celebrate our non-fiction book on penguins.