Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Ending Sounds

In language arts, we focused on ending sounds.  The girls pulled a secret object out of a bag and had to say the name out loud.  The girls sitting in the audience had to write the letter of the ending sound on their iPads using Doodle Buddy.

We then completed a chart sort using pictures that had the ending sounds t, l, and n.

In math, we have been working with the girls on sequencing numbers as well as sorting objects by what they have in common.  First, the girls worked in pairs to sequence number cards in ascending order.
Then, they moved onto a sorting activity with their partner. This was both a math review lesson as well as a "secret" lesson to prepare them for their word sorts, which will start next week.  
Afterwards, the girls worked on writing their numbers while they completed a worksheet where they had to fill in various missing numbers, from 1-50.