In language arts, we reviewed vowels and learned that every word must contain at least one vowel. To help them distinguish the different vowel sounds, we taught the girls actions that they can make. Afterwards, they cut out and sorted various pictures according to the vowel sound. Make sure you ask your daughter what the actions are for a, e i, o, and u.
The girls added another petal to their daisy people today--resilient. We read Swimmy by Leo Lionni and had a great discussion about when they've had to be resilient in their lives. The girls then drew their favorite scene in crayon from the book where Swimmy had to show resiliency. After that, they painted over their scene in blue paint, creating a wonderful underwater picture.
This year, we instituted "game time," a period where the girls can play a variety of different board games. All of these games work on different skills--sight words, problem solving, and cooperation. Be sure to ask your daughter which game she played today!
We had our first Mystery Reader today. The girls were incredibly excited to meet our first mystery guest!