Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Telling Time

We started our mini-unit on time today.  The girls learned the differences between an analog and digital clock, as well as how to use the hour and minute hands on an analog clock.  At the end of the lesson, the girls were shown the time on a digital clock, then had to make that time on their own analog clocks.  The girls did a wonderful job grasping these difficult concepts in a short amount of time.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Writer's Workshop

We started out our Tuesday playing Word Slap with our Word Wall words.  The girls love this game and always look forward to playing it with a partner.

The girls have been learning about transition words and phrases such as first, in the beginning, second, then, after that, next, finally and last.  They are currently incorporating these words and phrases into a How-To book, which they planned out using the iPad app, Popplet.

We also had a chance for our students to listen to a peer's story through our Author's Chair.  The girls loved hearing this particular How-To book about how to write a letter to Santa.