Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Personal Narratives

The girls decided they were ready to be timed on reading all the words on our Word Wall.  They did a great job and turned in a time of 35 seconds.  They will be re-timed again tomorrow to see if they can beat this time.  After we read the Word Wall, the girls were put into pairs to play the game Word Slap--a game where cards with our Word Wall words are spread on the floor between the two girls.  The teacher reads a word aloud and the first girl to slap the word card, keeps it. The girls LOVE this game and it always brings out the competitive side in them.

During our Writer's Workshop period, the girls were put into pairs to buddy read their personal narratives. Our mini-lesson today focused on listening to a friend's story, then giving her an idea to add to her story or suggesting a way to change the story.  The girls were excellent listeners and discovered that their friends could be wonderful editors!