Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Week

Happy Halloween!

This week, the girls have enjoyed learning with a Halloween twist!  In language arts, our vocabulary words have included SpOoKy and HaUnTeD.  We read Room on the Broom and the girls made "oo" word spiders.

In Math, we have been working with a pumpkin!  The girls learned how to estimate various measurements of the pumpkin (weight, circumference, number of seeds) and had to guess if the pumpkin would sink or float. 

Happy Birthday to our new 6 year old!  Some special guests (her parents) came in to read a story in celebration of her big day!  

This week, as always, the girls loved receiving clues and trying to guess who was going to walk through the door Wednesday afternoon as our Mystery Reader! 

In Writer's Workshop this week, the girls have been working on their Halloween personal narratives.  The girls are becoming comfortable with the writing process and are adding more details to their pictures and sentences. 

In science, the girls are learning all about the human skeleton!  The girls are able to name the major bones and the function of each.  Ask your daughter what she would look like if she did not have a skeleton and how she created her name skeleton, shown below.