Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Famous Females!

The girls were lucky enough to have several famous females come in to visit them this week.

Jim Lancaster presented Clara Barton.

Here's our smiling picture.

Life on the Pre-First battlefield--bandaged up by Clara Barton.

Lauren Colton as Sally Ride.

Many thanks for the space ice cream!

Rhonda Wright as Mae Jemison.

All doctor/astronauts give out lollipops.

In math today, we continued studying and identifying different shapes.

The girls played "Name That Shape" where they had to identify a shape with their eyes closed.

Next we created a class graph of the shapes we have learned.

After that, the girls returned to their seats to create bar graphs of the various shapes' vertices and sides.

Finally, the girls made the 2-D shapes on the geoboards.

During our Writer's Workshop, the girls worked diligently on their How-To books.