Tuesday, May 5, 2015

French: Bateau sur l'eau

This week in French, the girls learned a new song:

Bateau, sur l'eau,
La rivière, la rivière.
Bateau, sur l'eau,
La rivière et plouf à l'eau!

Click on the link to watch a video of the song: http://www.mondedespetits.fr/comptine-chanson.php?id=6

We played a game while singing. Two girls sat face to face with their knees bent and their feet touching. As they sang, they rocked back and forth. When they got to "et plouf" they fell backwards and remained on the ground for the rest of the song. C'était très amusant!

Bateau, sur l'eau...

Et plouf!

A l'eau!