Thursday, September 28, 2017

Fall is.....

With the change in the weather, comes a change in bulletin boards :-) To celebrate the season of fall, we read the story It's Fall, which gives wonderful examples of the changing colors and textures of the new season. 

Then the girls brainstormed different phrases and words that reminded them of fall. After that, the girls copied the phrases we brainstormed--or came up with ideas on their own--and wrote them onto apple sheets. We have one more fall craft to complete and then our Fall bulletin board will be complete!

We talk a lot about the seven core values in Pre First and each time we learn about a new value, we add a petal to our "core value daisy people". I think one of your daughters' favorite activities that we've done so far was after we learned about what it means to be resilient. We read Swimmy by Leo Lionni and had a great discussion about when they've had to be resilient in their lives. The girls then drew their favorite scene in crayon from the book where Swimmy had to show resiliency. After that, they painted over their scene in blue paint, creating a wonderful underwater picture.

We recently started Writer's Workshop, where the girls are plugging away at their first stories, a personal narrative. First we discussed what a personal narrative is and each girl shared a story about herself with the class. I also emphasized that writing is a process and that we will be taking many steps to complete their first stories. 

This week the girls continued to work on their personal narratives and we discussed the importance of labeling. We looked at some examples as a class, then I got some help labeling my personal narrative. Finally, the girls went back to their seats to label items in their illustrations. 

Finally, a big thank you to our recent Mystery Readers for coming in and sharing some of our favorite books!