Friday, January 23, 2015

French: La soupe aux légumes

Merci beaucoup parents for sending in vegetables today! It was a very exciting day in French class. After using plastic vegetables for weeks to learn the vocabulary, it was very fun for the girls to be able to use their French to identify real vegetables.

After we named all of our lovely produce, I pulled out une grande marmite and asked for the vegetable ingredients, one by one (en français, bien sûr). When it was her turn, each girl emptied les petits pois, le maïs, l'aubergine, la tomate, la carotte, or whatever it was that she brought into the pot. We then sang our À la Soupe, Soupe, Soupe song while I added broth and stirred the pot.

The soup simmered for an hour and was ready by lunch time. It was délicieuse and made the whole building smell nice and cosy. We have fourteen budding chefs on our hands!