Friday, January 16, 2015

Oreo Penguins

The Pre-First girls have been learning so much about penguins and they are about to start writing their own non-fiction book about the amazing animal.  For our "Fun Friday" activity, we talked about all of the facts we have learned about penguins.  Then we sent the girls back to their desks to create an Oreo penguin. 

After the girls made their Oreo penguins, the girls had to design a scene using the the app Educreations on their iPads.  They then took a picture of their Oreo penguins and inserted it into their scene.

The final step was to type a factual sentence about penguins and voice record it onto their scene.

The girls had a blast with this activity and have truly loved learning about penguins.  Stay tuned for their non-fiction books!