Monday, October 19, 2015

From the Library

Pre-first girls are learning their way around the library and reviewing library routines. They have caught on so quickly that we are jumping right in to checking out books. They are already expert at finding their names on the library computer screen and scanning their books out themselves. Each girl is allowed to take home one book at a time and keep it for up to four weeks. Girls are encouraged to read to their pets, their refrigerators, their grandparents and babysitters. If they choose a challenging book they should read with a more experienced reader. When the old book comes back to the library, anew one may be checked out. We have read together Kevin Henkes' Penny series. Penny and her Marble always leads to an interesting discussion. Ask your daughter why Penny felt nervous and how she resolved the problem. We have also read Aliki's Painted Words/Spoken Memories. Ask your daughter what was unusual about this book.