Friday, October 23, 2015

Skeletons and Ghost Estimating

We learned more about our skeletal system this morning.  We read Your Skeletal System and discussed the different facts in the book.  Then the girls matched facts with the correct bone.

After that, the girls grabbed their skeletons they made last week from their tubs and labeled the major bones of the body.

Next, the girls were broken into two groups.  Each group created their own skeleton out of pizza dough.  The girls had to work together and make the six major bones in the body (skull, spine, arms, legs, rib cage and hip bones).

We started our Halloween fun time today by reading The Ghost's Dinner.

After, during our math time, the girls learned about the word "estimation" and each made estimates on how many popcorn kernels would fit on Henry the ghost.  Be sure to ask your daughter how many kernels it took!

Our estimation winner!