Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Welcome, 2016!

We hope that everyone had a restful and happy winter break.  The girls were thrilled to see their friends again and have enjoyed sharing their winter break adventures.  This week we learned that make noise words (Bang! Boom! Buzz!) are important to authors when they write, as they provide more detail to their writing piece.  The girls listened to different sounds and had to choose which picture was making that sound. 

Yesterday, we read Night Noises by our Author of the Month, Mem Fox.  We brainstormed all of the different "make noise" words she used in her book.  After we brainstormed the words she used, we also came up with a few of our own.  The girls put 4 of those words into a step book and illustrated different ways to make the sound.

Next week we will start a new book during our Writer's Workshop period where the girls will have to use their new found knowledge of "make noise" words in their writing pieces.

We are working diligently towards earning a Coffee House.  Through our D.E.A.R. time, the girls are applying the strategies they are learning during Reader's Workshop to their independent reading.

In math, the girls received their own hundred charts and had to find and shade certain numbers that the teachers called out.  We also looked for patterns on the chart.  The hundred chart will continue to be a very important part of math in first and second grade.  

The girls are having a blast in science this week as they are learning where penguins live in the world and how they stay warm in less than ideal temperatures.  We used highlighters to identify the places on their own personal maps.  They were shocked to hear that penguins do not live in the North Pole!

Today, the girls learned about how penguin parents care for their young in the unforgiving climate of Antarctica.  We read a book and watched 2 short movies about what penguin parents have to go through to ensure their chick's safety.  Afterwards, we pretended to be penguins and had to learn how to waddle with an egg on our feet and transfer the egg to our partner.