Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Writer's Workshop and Penguins

Today during Writer's Workshop, the girls started working on a new personal narrative and this time we focused on adding in "make noise" words which we have been discussing during language arts recently. Be sure to ask your daughters which words she's adding!
In math, we continued our work with the hundred chart and today the girls discovered different patterns on the chart.  After sharing their patterns with the class, the girls used the hundred chart and a special "window" to help them fill in missing numbers. 

Killer whales, skuas and leopard seals...oh my!  Today in science, the girls learned that these three animals are the penguin's biggest--and scariest--predators.  We looked at some pictures online and also got a lot of information from some stories in our classroom library.  The girls are working on torn paper scenes, depicting the penguin in a perilous situation with a feared predator!